Water Street精品住宅地理位置佳,並且位於風景如詩如畫的康河旁,可悠然漫步至康河觀賞自然美景,周圍治安良好,環境單純,學術氛圍濃厚。項目為低密度住宅,共3樓每層3戶,限量9套精致房源,包含Studio、一居室、兩居室房型。
Water Street 座落於劍橋,為區內全新的低密度豪華河畔住宅項目。單位均配以私人露台或平台,住戶可在家中靜賞劍橋及River Cam的河畔美景。Water Street 座落於劍橋,為區內全新的低密度豪華河畔住宅項目。單位均配以私人露台或平台,住戶可在家中靜賞劍橋及River Cam的河畔美景。
劍橋是英國東部的一個城市,建於康河之上,距離倫敦以北大約80公里,搭乘火車只要1小時內便可輕鬆抵達。除了有世界著名的劍橋大學,還有高科技研究中心-矽芬(Silicon Fen),以及全歐洲最大的生物科學及醫學研究基地-劍橋生物醫學園區。
劍橋每天有多班火車往返倫敦國王十字車站,火車程僅45分鐘。 騎乘7分鐘自行車即達劍橋市中心同時也與著名學府為鄰絕對炙熱的房源出租需求。
Water Street包括開放式、1及2房單位。單位均配以私人露台或平台,時尚舒適。
發展商:Blues Property
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Property information in this presentation is provided by exclusively for AP Assets’ clients and has not been verified. Recipients of this presentation are advised to inspect the property, take measurement and obtain legal and professional advice to verify the information provided herein. AP Assets shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred in connection with any use of or reliance on such information. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Purchasing uncompleted properties situated outside Hong Kong is complicated and contains risk. Some of our sales persons are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. If in doubt, please seek independent professional advice before making a purchase decision. Purchasers are acquiring an interest in the land, the building to be erected thereon, a right to use and occupy the properties in the building. Price correct at time of issue. Images are CGIs and figures are for indicative purposes only. Please be advised, Purchasers should check with banks, finance companies or the vendor/developer concerned directly on whether they will be able to obtain the needed mortgage loan to purchase the property/development
#Buyers can consider self-occupied, or rent out through authorized property company or developer. Calculation is based on 1-bedroom.