Brisbane has become a new investment darling in recent years due to the low barriers to entry and high rental returns. It is developing rapidly towards diversification, globalization, and is closely connected to the Asia-Pacific region, making it one of the fastest growing cities in Australia. Panorama, on the other hand, has beautiful views of the river and the city center, and the panoramic large terrace overlooks the Brisbane River, Mount Coot-tha, Moreton Bay and more. 1 minute walk to the railway station, 10 minutes to the city center and China Town, easy and convenient, extending in all directions.
Panorama is a noble riverside view residence built by Australian architectural leader Hutchinson Builder. The project has a total of 27 floors, with 1-2 floors for shops and 3-27 floors for residential. The builder of the project is Hutchinson, an old Australian brand with a history of more than 100 years. It is equipped with five-star resort-grade facilities, and has its own private cinema, banquet hall, swimming pool and sky garden and other leisure facilities. The location is excellent, 1 minute walk to the train station, close to the subway station (Bowen Hills Station) and bus station, 10 minutes directly to the city center and China Town.
A 6-minute walk from the project leads directly to the shopping center Gaswork Plaza, Brisbane and the popular fashion district James Street, where you can enjoy a noble lifestyle integrating shopping, dining and entertainment. Adjacent to major universities, including the top middle schools in the region, Inner City North Secondary State College and University of Queensland, it is the first choice for children to study. 4 minutes walk to Brisbane RNA Shopping and Convention Centre. In addition, the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, a 10-minute walk from the project, is undergoing expansion and will have 10,000 medical staff.
Panorama位於Bowen Hills區,是布里斯本CBD區的重鎮,投資額高達135億澳元。它擁住宅、商業、酒店及零售等綜合項目,並已吸引不少大公司進駐,包括昆士蘭銀行及Hutchinson的總部均坐落於此。區內均是年輕專業人士,有能力追求優質的居住環境,稱得上年輕豪宅區。而住戶更可飽覽布里斯本河畔及市中心美景,盡享無敵景觀。
• 發展商: Arden Group
• 首期價錢: 約HKD 17萬起*
• 單位: 一房及兩房
* 優惠需受有關條款及細則約束。有關條款及細則,詳情請向本公司職員查詢。如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
# 買家可選擇自行入住, 或可自行透過物業出租公司放租或以發展商授權之出租租金公司放租, 租金收入以每月/ 一房單位售價計算
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Property information in this presentation is provided by exclusively for AP Assets’ clients and has not been verified. Recipients of this presentation are advised to inspect the property, take measurement and obtain legal and professional advice to verify the information provided herein. AP Assets shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense suffered or incurred in connection with any use of or reliance on such information. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Purchasing uncompleted properties situated outside Hong Kong is complicated and contains risk. Some of our sales persons are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong. You should review all relevant information and documents carefully before making a purchase decision. If in doubt, please seek independent professional advice before making a purchase decision. Purchasers are acquiring an interest in the land, the building to be erected thereon, a right to use and occupy the properties in the building. Price correct at time of issue. Images are CGIs and figures are for indicative purposes only. Please be advised, Purchasers should check with banks, finance companies or the vendor/developer concerned directly on whether they will be able to obtain the needed mortgage loan to purchase the property/development. The planning number: DEV2010/106 is issued by Brisbane City Council.
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